Oliver Stone

Oliver Stone
Untold History of the US

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tourists Shopping in Manhattan


Throngs of tourists wandering around avenues and streets, camera in hand, brain dazzled by lights in TIMES SQUARE, shopping bags bulging with crap they don't need, all milling around Rock Center and the LATEST DEVELOPMENT - Renting bikes in Central Park and rolling around AGAINST TRAFFIC with their silly non-helmeted heads, holding the handlebars with one hand and taking pictures of John Lennon's ex-residence with the other!

Morons All! Verminesque even!

When HDD travels to other countries etiquette is observed and emulated, but these arrogant clowns with their fat bellies and bulging Abercrombie & Fitch shopping bags are clueless when it comes to ETIQUETTE in the BIG APPLE!

When the masses go shopping for bargains and end up getting trampled on and sometimes to death, one must ask the question:
Why put one's life at risk for some materialistic piece of crap made in China?
What types of security does Wal-Mart have when one of its employees is TRAMPLED to death by a herd of bargain-hunting clowns? As happened last year at a Wal-Mart near Long Island, New York.

New York attracts a certain type of holiday shopper. Usually their sphere of travel revolves around 5th Avenue in mid-town, Macy's on 34th street, Broadway to see a play and THAT'S IT!

Their minuscule, puny experience gives them an impression that New York City is a dazzling affair with luxury abounding, Times Square, hustle and bustle and brimming with shoppers, food emporiums, toys a la FAO Schwartz and Trump Tower.

Little do they know or care of the outer boroughs, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island, or Queens. Instead their abiding memory is Manhattan and THAT'S IT!

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